GrowthApp Your AI-Powered CRO Assistant, Ecommerce, Non-CRO, AI, Optimization

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What is Growthapp and what does it do?

Growthapp is an AI-powered Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) platform that helps businesses improve their website’s performance. It audits your website then analyzes user behavior, industry trends, and your website data to provide actionable insights and personalized recommendations for boosting conversions.

Who can benefit from Growthapp?

Growthapp is ideal for businesses of all sizes that want to improve their website’s effectiveness in generating leads, sales, or achieving other goals.

Is Growthapp easy to use?

Absolutely! Growthapp is designed to be user-friendly. Simply sign up, connect it to your website, and your AI assistant will take care of the rest.

What data does Growthapp collect?

Growthapp collects anonymized data about how users interact with your website, such as clicks, page views, and navigation patterns. This data is used to generate insights and recommendations for improvement.

Is my website data secure with Growthapp?

Yes, Growthapp takes data security very seriously. We use industry-standard security measures to protect your data.

Making Sense of Your Website's Data Just Got Easier and More Rewarding

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Understand your website visitors and gain insights to help convert them, without expertise. Join our beta-testing family today!

You've downloaded the plugin, and that's fantastic!

Now, let’s get your website connected and start unlocking those powerful insights. Here’s a quick guide to completing the setup within the GrowthApp web app:

And that’s it! GrowthApp will now start analyzing your website visitors and providing you with valuable insights to optimize your website and boost your sales.